Every new year brings new hope, but it can be difficult to look ahead when we are afraid that what is behind us will bite us in the buns.  So with a fresh hope and eyes looking ahead we get to leave a real doozy of a year behind us.  Let’s all say it together.  Goodbye 2020!

1. Goodbye

The first thing we need to do is say Goodbye to 2020.

“Goodbye” is my first word for 2021, because it feels to me that I could use 2020 as an excuse for anything bad that happens going forward.  No excuses though.

2021 is an opportunity for great success and I simply won’t let 2020 and it’s constant negativity weigh me down.

2. Gratitude

My second word for the year is “Gratitude”.

2020 taught me a lot of things, and one of those things was that you cannot take anything for granted.  It seems like forever ago that we could attend church regularly as a family.  When was the last time I went somewhere and saw no masks?  It’s been a while.  One day my wife had a vehicle, and the next day it was gone. 

I always tell my family to be thankful for the things you do have and don’t worry about the things you don’t have.  So in 2021, I will be grateful for all that I have.  That means gratitude in all things both good and bad.

There is a blessing that comes with the good in life, even if I find it sparingly.  I can also find blessing in the bad things as well, because in those, I find opportunity to learn more about who I am and who I am not.  So for 2021, I will embrace an attitude of gratitude.

3. Grow

I’ve had so many great people pour into my life, and I have weathered many storms. Now it is time to “Grow”. 

I choose the word “Grow” mostly as a command to myself.  At some point with all I have learned through all I have gone trough, I must grow.  I have all of the materials and all of the tools that I need to build a better future for myself, my family, and my community.  I’ve been lazy in this area of my life, but for 2021, I choose to grow.

4. Grind

2020 was a difficult year, so 2021 must be easy.  False.  2021 will be unique in it’s own way, with its own challenges.  And when I face a long continuous challenge, I will have to “Grind”.

In soccer, they say you can tell what teams are championship material by these these two qualities.  They win games on the road, and they win games even if they are playing poorly.  The teams that win when they play poorly GRIND out wins.  Their strategy isn’t working, their skill isn’t working, and the only thing that will win the game is to out work your opponent.

I realize that there will be days that I’m not going to be able to rely on my plans or my skill.  I’m going to have to simply just put in the hard work, and put it in consistently.  I want 2021 to be a great year, so I recognize the need to grind.

5. Gravitate

Division and quarantine are so last year.  We’ve spent too much time this last year with distancing ourselves from others.  So my last word for 2021 is “Gravitate”.

I will find every excuse to gravitate to towards the people that I love.  I will make up reasons to spend time WITH friends and family.  The online world has kept us apart and yet still at each others throats.  I have to find a way to be face to face with people, because I can’t build real relationships at arms length. 

I get it, we face some realities that can hinder our gravity towards one another, but at some point we can get too comfortable with the withering of friendships.  There may be circumstance that keep us apart, but my default stance will be to “Gravitate”.

  • So what are your thoughts on my words for 2021?

  • What’s a word that you are choosing for yourself in 2021?

Drop me a comment and let me know!