
The All Around Life, or at least the life I desire, the full abundant life, is a place of learning and understanding.  I try to grow as a person and learn from my mistakes.  I push myself in uncomfortable areas of my life, and then in other areas, I struggle.  Understanding is one of those areas.

My opinion is something that must be heard.  My opinion is important!  I will even shout my opinion over yours, because if I yell loudest, I win.  Shout loud enough and long enough, and there will be no one to shout over or shout to.  I didn’t and haven’t taken the time to understand.

Recently I’ve been reading a book called “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek.  I was intrigued by a talk and this book was recommended.  It’s a book that has a lot to do with marketing and leadership, but doesn’t really have anything to do with this blog other than that I have given authority to his voice in my life.

I was scrolling through videos online and came across a short video by Simon entitled, “Be the Last To Speak.”  Watch it here.


Be the last to speak.  Be the last to speak so that you can understand what people mean.  Be the last to speak so that you can understand where they are coming from and why they have the opinion they do.  Here’s what I understand, I do this poorly.  To those I have talked over or made to feel unheard and not understood, please forgive me.  I will practice.