I was bored the other day. So I sat by Myself.

Myself started talking as if he had known me his whole life.

I hadn’t kept company with Myself in quite some time, so he had much to tell me.

We decided to take a walk.

Myself spoke and I listened. I took in each story and each thought with great interest and vigor. I shared in the excitement of Myself’s dreams.

As we continued our stroll, I remembered a time when I was so disappointed in Myself. Ugh, I couldn’t even stand Myself.

I reminded Myself of those hard times and he smiled. He said that he could recall all the work I did on Myself and how I made Myself better. He was so thankful. I was thankful too.

Our walk was now over.

Myself had one last thought to share. He said I shouldn’t keep everything to Myself. My thoughts, my stories, my dreams, my disappointments, my struggles, and my triumphs are not just meant for Myself.

Life is meant to be lived with and for Others.

I was no longer bored. I had a story to share.