The All Around Life

Thoughts and stories of my humanity.


I’m lost in thought more often than not.  I stare into the distance, trapped in my own mind.  I sometimes wonder what it would be like to turn my brain off for a moment and rest for a moment in silence.  If my neurons could just pause for a moment to let the rest of me catch up.  It’s not to be though, because I am a contemplative.  “I think, therefore I am” goes the saying.  Here’s the thing though, What am I?  Who am I?  Why am I?

Today I set out on my creative journey to attempt to present some of my inner self to you.  I don’t know where this is going, all I know is that I have to take the first step.  I will share my life with you through story telling and thought leadership.

Your reading of my words means a lot to me, and I wish to treat your time and attention with respect.  So I make you these promises.  I will be honest with my thoughts, open with my stories, and vulnerable with my feelings.

So here we go.  My name is Tony and I am an imperfect man.  I’m learning as I go and I am positive that I can learn more and go farther if only you could go with me, even if only for a moment.  I invite you to join me.