Amazon’s Got Pretty Much Everything


I’ve been an Amazon Prime member for quite some time now.  I developed a real personal addiction to the promise of free two day shipping and eventually the deal was sweetened to include all sorts of extras.  Now I get videos and special deals.  I’ve always had great customer service with Amazon as well.

Many years ago I even said, if Amazon could ship me food, then I would never leave the house.  Lo and behold, they started shipping groceries, and I probably didn’t leave the house as much as I would have if they had skipped out on groceries and made me drive to the store.

Drones and More

Did you know that in some places, they do same day delivery?  How about this, some places they will deliver stuff to you by drone!  They even have a new service where you give them access to your vehicle’s trunk and they will open it up and put the packages right in!

My Pondering


One day as I sat pondering, which I do quite often with my contemplative brain, I started to wonder.  Is there anything that Amazon can’t ship to me?  Can they ship cars?  Yup.  How about nuclear material?  Surprisingly, yes!  Books, electronics, toys, clothes, food, medicine, lawn furniture, baskets, tools….The list goes on and on!

I needed to share this with someone, but I looked around and I was alone.  Sitting in front of my computer, I looked around the room and there was only a computer screen staring back at me.

I went on Amazon and typed “friend”.  Surely if I could buy an autographed Babe Ruth Baseball then I could buy a friend.  However, that was sadly, not the case.  I was sad now, so I typed in “comfort”, but I came up empty again.  I was starting to get angry at not finding what I needed on Amazon, so I definitely needed “peace”.  Again, nothing.

The Wrong Places

Light Bulbs

Yeah, Yeah, I know it’s silly, but I do this all of the time, just in a different way.  Sometimes I look for the things I need in all of the wrong places.   I look for self worth in the affirming words of others, so I post Instagram photos and hope others notice.

I look for guidance and direction in the envy of what others may have.  Or I try to find my story by copying what others are doing, forgetting that my story is not their story.  I look to my finances to provide safety and control, when so much more of my life is out of my control than is in my control.

How To Get What I Need

Amazon can’t ship me character, I have to intentionally work on character development.  I have to put time and attention on friendships to make long lasting friends.  Not even Prime shipping can get that to me in two days.  My self worth is found in who God made me to be, not in the opinion of strangers, and certainly not in all of the stuff I accumulate from ordering on Amazon.

What is something that you’ve found that Amazon can’t ship you?

Leave a comment here or on my Facebook page and let me know!