Belonging.  The pineapple is a funny fruit, I think mostly because of its name.  In nearly every other language, the pineapple is ananas, but in english it is pineapple.  So, already, the pineapple does not belong.

Cut away its thick outer skin, slice out the hard core, and what you have left is sweet and tart yellow sunshine.  As you can tell, I am a big fan of pineapple.  Think for a moment about a fruit salad with its colorful array of strawberries, blueberries, sweet and lovely pineapple, and for some reason unknown to me, grapes, melon, and worst of all, cantaloupe.  We all know it’s just filler.  Just leave it out.

Anyway, back to pineapple on pizza.  Pizza is one of those foods that can show a person’s personality.  If you are a cheese only pizza lover, then you may enjoy just the basic things in life, or you are 5.  Or maybe you like a little spice in your life so you add a bit with pepperoni.  I know there are veggie lovers who think adding a quarter of a vegetable on an entire pizza makes it healthy.  Here’s the thing though, pineapple just doesn’t seem like it belongs.

Mix the meats and the veggies, but fruit?  Come on, no one puts fruit on pizza, do they? (Please exclude the whole tomato fruit/vegetable debate).  Ok, maybe on a Hawaiian pizza, but that feels forced.  Here is where I see the beauty of pineapple on pizza.  It totally doesn’t belong, and that’s why it should.

Great flavor combinations in food come from contrast.  Sweet and sour, salty and sweet, hot and cold, creamy and crunchy, spicy and sweet, bitter and sweet.  Life it seems is the same way.  Yes, there are lots of similarities, but great groups of friends have contrasting personalities.  Don’t be afraid to be the pineapple on pizza, and don’t be afraid to put pineapple on your pizza.  And for the record, pepperoni and pineapple is the best.  Pineapple belongs, and so do you.